
Cool Arts Society could not exist without the support of individuals; and local, provincial and national granting agencies.  

You too could play a vital role in the vitality of our programming by donating time, funds or much needed materials and equipment. 

For more information contact Rena at info@coolarts.ca
or check out our profile on Canada Helps

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!

Thank you to our sponsors

Did you know that if you send a car for auction, 
you can have the proceeds from the sale go to your 
favourite charity? What a cool way to recycle!
Check it out Donate A Car

Canadian Federation of Artists

Thank you to the CFA Okanagan Chapter for your generous donation of $500 
and art supplies for Cool Arts programming

Sunrise Rotary

Thank you Barb Penner at Sunrise Rotary Foundation for your generous donation of $1528.67 to Cool Arts' digital media program. We get a new projector!

Thank you Sunrise Rotary President for your generous donation and hospitality

Thank you to our in-kind donors and community partners

Thank you to Patti Kilback  and the wonderful people at Kelowna Museums for hosting our beebox project. We are grateful for your continued support.

Much thanks to Aaron and the wonderful gang down at Opus for your donation of art materials to our various programs and ongoing support!

Thank you to Laura Byron for your donation of time and hip hop lessons at the Cool Arts hosted "Friday Night Dance" at Parkinson Recreation Centre.